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Backyard Chicken Keeper Course Webinar from Urban Chicken coops Canada
Introduction to the Webinar
Before we begin: Introduction (2:20)
Terms and conditions
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Module 1. My Journey, why train and why keep chickens?
Module 1 (6:13)
QUIZZ Module 1
Module 2: Terminology, Definition, history and facts about chickens
Module 2 part 1 Terminology, definition and history (6:00)
Module 2 part 2 What is a chicken? (5:00)
Module 2 part 3 What is an urban chicken? (3:34)
QUIZZ Module 2
Module 3 : Anatomy of the hen
Module 3. 1 Head anatomy (6:58)
Module 3. 2 Crop and Gizzard (7:03)
Module 3. 3 Skeleton, feathers skin (6:55)
Module 3.4 Ovary and reproductive system, oiling gland, cloaca (9:01)
Module 3. 5 Leg, bumblefoot (4:38)
Anatomy resources to download
QUIZZ Module 3
Module 4 Behaviour and Senses
Module 4.1 Pecking order, communication (10:51)
Module 4.2 Stress and empathy (5:21)
Module 4.3 Senses (6:01)
Module 4.4 Touch, broody hen behaviour (4:16)
Behaviour resources to download
QUIZZ Module 4
Module 5: How to plan your project
Module 5.1 Planning the project (6:19)
Module 5.2 Predators, protection (4:30)
Module 5.3 Coop Budget $$ (1:47)
Module 5.4 Essential Accessories (5:01)
Module 5.5 The Automatic door (1:31)
Biosecurity resources
QUIZZ Module 5
Module 6: Pick the right chickens for you
Module 6.1 How to pick the right type of chickens? (5:50)
6.2 Choices of Hybrids or Pure breeds (2:41)
6.3 Virus, Vaccination and Biosecurity (4:34)
6.4 Feed stores (5:39)
QUIZZ Module 6
Module 7: The Coop
7.1 Type of coops (6:14)
7.2 COOP Dimensions (9:58)
7.3 build your coop (7:01)
7.4 Roosting bars, electricity (2:47)
7.5 Coop Maintenance, fencing (8:03)
QUIZZ Module 7
Module 8: How to keep chickens during the winter
Module 8.1 Thermoregulation (10:47)
Module 8.2 Coop considerations, accessories and maintenance (9:51)
Crack Eggs in winter
Quizz Module 8
Module 9. Layers nutrition Sponsered by Purina
9.1 Food requirements, feeds and conservation (6:41)
Tips and tricks
9.2 continued Water, tips and tricks, feeds (6:07)
9.3 type de feed, nutritionnal value, table scraps (5:24)
9.4 supplements, grit and calcium (6:02)
the digestive system ( extra videos)
Extra resources
Quizz Module 9
Module 10: Egg laying and eggs
10.1 Understanding egg laying (7:27)
10.2 Egg oddities (4:17)
10.3 Nesting boxes management (3:16)
10.4 All about eggs (1:52)
10.5 Manage and keep your eggs clean (3:16)
Quizz Module 10
Module 11: Health , prevention and diseases
11.1 Biosecurity, prevention (7:24)
11.2 Observe droppings, cleaning methods, desinfection (5:02)
11.3 Water, poisonous plants , dust bath and vaccinations explained (6:16)
Vaccination info
11.4 The hen's pharmacy essentials (7:18)
11.5 Medicinal plants, oils, natural products (4:21)
11.6 External parasites (9:04)
11.7 Intenal parasites, worms and coccidies, leg scabies (6:32)
11.8 Crop issues (6:31)
11.9 Bumblefoot, how to administer medication to your chicken and prepare to visit the vet (11:54)
11.10 Serious illness , reportable diseases, facing and dealing with death (9:52)
Flock health plan
Common disease in backyard poultry
Quizz Module 11
Ontario Vet list
Module 12: Health assessment from head to toe
12.1 Holding and assessing your chickens (4:39)
12.2 (12:11)
12.3 (7:17)
12.4 (9:15)
12.5 (4:13)
12.6 (8:12)
12.7 how to administer a medication (6:57)
Quizz Module 12
Module 13: Conclusion, ressources
Conclusion (11:14)
Summary of all Resources and references
Teach online with
Quizz Module 12
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